Telegraf Charmers Telegraf

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 40 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
latest/candidate 35 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
latest/beta 24 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
latest/edge 19 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy telegraf-charmers-telegraf
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20.04 18.04 16.04 14.04

The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.

Telegraf is an agent written in Go for collecting metrics from the system it's running on, or from other services, and writing them into InfluxDB or other outputs. Design goals are to have a minimal memory footprint with a plugin system so that developers in the community can easily add support for collecting metrics from well known services (like Hadoop, Postgres, or Redis) and third party APIs (like Mailchimp, AWS CloudWatch, or Google Analytics). New input and output plugins are designed to be easy to contribute, we'll eagerly accept pull requests and will manage the set of plugins that Telegraf supports. See the contributing guide for instructions on writing new plugins.