Cf Charmers Cloudfoundry

  • By Cloud Foundry Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 205 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
latest/edge 205 18 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy cf-charmers-cloudfoundry
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  • admin_password | string

    The password for the default admin user in Cloud Foundry. If left blank, a random password will be generated, which can be retrieved using the cfadminpass helper from

  • admin_secret | string

    The admin password used to talk to the Juju REST API to do bundle orchestration. You will not be able to use Juju to deploy Cloud Foundry until this is properly set.

  • admin_ui | boolean

    Default: True

    Deploy and configure the Administration UI from the Cloud Foundry Incubator. The Admin UI service will be called "webadmin" and must be manually exposed. See the README for more info.

  • artifacts_url | string


    The URL from which the artifacts can be retrieved. You will not be able to use Juju to deploy Cloud Foundry until this is properly set.

  • cf_version | string

    Default: latest

    The release of CF to switch the deployed bundle to. If set to "latest", it will use the most recent version supported by this charm.

  • charmstore_namespace | string

    Default: ~cf-charmers

    The namespace in the charmstore from which to install the dependent charms for the individual Cloud Foundry components. Set to an empty string to only install Recommended charms (may not be as up to date as the default ~cf-charmers namespace).

  • domain | string


    The router domain, set to a address by default.

  • generate_dependents | boolean

    Generate the dependent charms for the individual Cloud Foundry components on demand, instead of installing from the charm store. This option is intended only for testing and development purposes, and is not recommended for normal usage.

  • mirror_artifacts | boolean

    Create and use a mirror of the artifacts on the orchestrator charm. This can reduce the number of requests to the upstream artifacts repository, but at the cost of significantly increasing the storage requirements on the deployed orchestrator charm.

  • placement | string

    Default: sparse

    A value indicating a placement strategy. This can be "sparse", the default, which places each service on its own machine, "dense", which colocates some of the services to keep the number of machines down, "local", which is intended for deploying on the local provider and deployes all services to the same machine except the DEA, which is deployed to machine 0 (since it cannot be deployed to an LXC container), or "manual:" followed by YAML containing zones or raw bundle directives (e.g., "manual:zones: {a: [cc, cc-clock]}" or "manual:dea: {to: 0}").