Knobby Kubernetes Worker

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 80 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/edge 2 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy knobby-kubernetes-worker
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18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • allow-privileged | string

    Default: true

    Allow privileged containers to run on worker nodes. Supported values are "true", "false", and "auto". If "true", kubelet will run in privileged mode by default. If "false", kubelet will never run in privileged mode. If "auto", kubelet will not run in privileged mode by default, but will switch to privileged mode if gpu hardware is detected. Pod security policies (PSP) should be used to restrict container privileges.

  • apt-key-server | string

    Default: hkp://

    APT Key Server

  • channel | string

    Default: 1.12/stable

    Snap channel to install Kubernetes worker services from

  • cuda_repo | string

    Default: 10.0.130-1

    The cuda-repo package version to install.

  • default-backend-image | string

    Default: auto

    Docker image to use for the default backend. Auto will select an image based on architecture.

  • docker-ce-package | string

    Default: docker-ce

    The pinned version of docker-ce package installed with nvidia-docker.

  • docker-logins | string

    Default: []

    Docker login credentials. Setting this config allows Kubelet to pull images from registries where auth is required. The value for this config must be a JSON array of credential objects, like this: [{"server": "my.registry", "username": "myUser", "password": "myPass"}]

  • docker-opts | string

    Extra options to pass to the docker daemon. e.g. --insecure-registry

  • docker_runtime | string

    Default: auto

    docker runtime to install valid values are "upstream" (docker PPA), "nvidia" (nvidia PPA), "apt" (ubuntu archive), or "auto" (nvidia PPA or ubuntu archive, based on your hardware)

  • enable-cgroups | boolean

    Enable GRUB cgroup overrides cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1. WARNING changing this option will reboot the host - use with caution on production services

  • http_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTP_PROXY to be used by Docker. Useful in egress-filtered environments where a proxy is the only option for accessing the registry to pull images.

  • https_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTPS_PROXY to be used by Docker. Useful in egress-filtered environments where a proxy is the only option for accessing the registry to pull images.

  • ingress | boolean

    Default: True

    Deploy the default http backend and ingress controller to handle ingress requests.

  • ingress-ssl-chain-completion | boolean

    Enable chain completion for TLS certificates used by the nginx ingress controller. Set this to true if you would like the ingress controller to attempt auto-retrieval of intermediate certificates. The default (false) is recommended for all production kubernetes installations, and any environment which does not have outbound Internet access.

  • kubelet-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kubelet. For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-apiserver being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true Note: As of Kubernetes 1.10.x, many of Kubelet's args have been deprecated, and can be set with kubelet-extra-config instead.

  • kubelet-extra-config | string

    Default: {}

    Extra configuration to be passed to kubelet. Any values specified in this config will be merged into a KubeletConfiguration file that is passed to the kubelet service via the --config flag. This can be used to override values provided by the charm. Requires Kubernetes 1.10+. The value for this config must be a YAML mapping that can be safely merged with a KubeletConfiguration file. For example: {evictionHard: {memory.available: 200Mi}} For more information about KubeletConfiguration, see upstream docs:

  • labels | string

    Labels can be used to organize and to select subsets of nodes in the cluster. Declare node labels in key=value format, separated by spaces.

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe subordinate charms. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • nginx-image | string

    Default: auto

    Docker image to use for the nginx ingress controller. Auto will select an image based on architecture.

  • no_proxy | string

    Comma-separated list of destinations (either domain names or IP addresses) which should be accessed directly, rather than through the proxy defined in http_proxy or https_proxy. Must be less than 2023 characters long.

  • nvidia-container-runtime-package | string

    Default: nvidia-container-runtime

    The pinned version of nvidia-container-runtime package.

  • nvidia-docker-package | string

    Default: nvidia-docker2

    The pinned version of nvidia-docker2 package.

  • proxy-extra-args | string

    Space separated list of flags and key=value pairs that will be passed as arguments to kube-proxy. For example a value like this: runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true profiling=true will result in kube-apiserver being run with the following options: --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true --profiling=true

  • require-manual-upgrade | boolean

    Default: True

    When true, worker services will not be upgraded until the user triggers it manually by running the upgrade action.

  • snap_proxy | string

    HTTP/HTTPS web proxy for Snappy to use when accessing the snap store.

  • snap_proxy_url | string

    The address of a Snap Store Proxy to use for snaps e.g.

  • snapd_refresh | string

    Default: max

    How often snapd handles updates for installed snaps. Setting an empty string will check 4x per day. Set to "max" to delay the refresh as long as possible. You may also set a custom string as described in the 'refresh.timer' section here: