Oil Charms Ci Configurator

  • By OIL Charms
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 8 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 16.04
latest/candidate 8 09 Feb 2022
Ubuntu 16.04
latest/beta 9 18 Nov 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
latest/edge 8 09 Feb 2022
Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy oil-charms-ci-configurator
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Learn about configurations >

  • config-repo | string

    Revision control repository url containing collection of yaml files containing jenkins-job-builder configs. This may also be packaged locally prior to deploying by running 'make configrepo' target of the Makefile to pull from a specified repository. Again, any bundled assets will override any setting set here. The contents of this repository (or anything packaged with the charm) will end up installed in/etc/jenkins-job-builder/job-configs/ on the service unit. Launchpad git branches should use the full URL; the 'lp:' prefix will not be expanded.

  • config-repo-rcs | string

    Default: bzr

    The RCS system to use to fetch the config-repo. Supported options: bzr git

  • config-repo-revision | string

    Default: trunk

    If config-repo specified, which revision to use. Defaults to "trunk", and is updated on during every config-changed hook. ("trunk" will be interpreted as "origin/master" if config-repo-rcs is git)

  • disable-strict-host-checking-hosts | string

    Comma-separated list of hosts that should have strict host checking disabled in the user that is configuring the charm; this is to allow git cloning of jenkins-job-builder configuration over SSH without interactivity.

  • force-package-install | boolean

    If set to true, packages listed in control.yml will be forced to install with the --force-confnew and --force-confdef apt options

  • jjb-install-source | string

    Default: git://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder.git

    Installation source for jenkins-job-bulider. Supported options: distro (only supported on Ubuntu 13.10 and later) git://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder.git or similar Alternatively, you may run the 'make sourcedeps' target of the Makefile to package required assets into the charm prior to deploying, for environments where network access is restricted. Any bundled package will override any value set here.

  • lp-credentials-file | string

    Credentials for login into Launchpad to retrieve team membership.

  • lp-login | string

    Launchpad login name of user branching bzr repo (required for private branches).

  • lp-schedule | string

    Default: */15 * * * *

    Cron-formatted schedule for launchpad sync

  • schedule-updates | boolean

    If configured to run from trunk of a remote repository, you may optionally have the charm install a cronjob that will periodically pull trunk and update Jenkins.

  • ssh-privkey | string

    SSH private key for associated LP user.

  • ssh-pubkey | string

    SSH public key for associated LP user.

  • update-frequency | string

    If schedule-updates is True, update-frequency sets the schedule on which the cronjob updates the branch and pushes changes to Jenkins.

  • update-trigger | string

    Used to force config-changed hook runs.