Openstack Charmers Next Nova Cloud Controller

  • By OpenStack Charmers - Testing Charms
  • Cloud
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 1528 09 Feb 2022
Ubuntu 21.10 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 723 01 Feb 2021
Ubuntu 15.10
juju deploy openstack-charmers-next-nova-cloud-controller
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21.10 20.04

Learn about actions >

  • archive-data

    Archive old data to shadow tables

    • batch-size integer

  • clear-unit-knownhost-cache

    Clear the knownhost cache for (default) all the units, a service, or a single unit. . The default is all units. If the 'target' param has an '/' in it, then it is assumed ot be a single unit. If no '/' is present, then all the units in a service will be refreshed. . e.g. target="nova-compute/4" will just clear the nova-compute/4 unit (in the 'nova-compute' application), whereas target='nova-compute' will refresh all of the units in the 'nova-compute' application. . The action triggers a refresh resolution of the known hosts for the unit, which then populates the cache, updates the knownhosts file for the associated service (e.g. 'nova-compute'), and, importantly, sets the relation data for that associated service with the new knownhosts file. This may cause a 'cloud-compute' relation changed hook on the associated nova-compute units if the hosts have changed. . This action still functions even if the 'cache-known-hosts' config value is not set; caching of hosts occurs regardless of that setting, and so this action can be used to force an update if DNS has changed in the system, or for a particular host (although this scenario is unlikely).

    • target string

  • openstack-upgrade

    Perform openstack upgrades. Config option action-managed-upgrade must be set to True.

  • pause

    Pause the nova-cloud-controller unit. This action will stop related services.

  • resume

    Resume the nova-cloud-controller unit. This action will start related services.

  • security-checklist

    Validate the running configuration against the OpenStack security guides checklist

  • sync-compute-availability-zones

    Update Nova host aggregates to match the availability zone defined in the related nova-compute units. This action will create any missing host aggregates in Nova and add hypervisors to the appropriate host aggregates. This action will not remove any hypervisors from host aggregates already configured in nova. . This action requires that the nova-cloud-controller application be fully related to keystone. This action will fail if the Nova API is unavailable. Successful completion of this action will report a list of each hypervisor added to an availability zone. Successful completion with no output means that all hypervisors were associated with their host aggregates. . This action is only available for OpenStack Stein and newer.